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Despite change being a constant in our lives, it’s also something that so many of us find daunting! We’re creatures of habit, and when our regular routines, patterns and ways of working get shaken up, it can be unnerving.

But change is also a necessity in order to grow and make the most out of life – both in and out of the workplace.


At People Powered Change, we break down the process of change to make it engaging, exciting and inspiring for everyone involved.


Here’s what to expect from your People Powered Change journey…

A group of people in a workshop
Heading: how we work
Luke and a Client laughing in a coffee shop
Heading let's touch base offline

Getting to know you

We’ll meet up – often over coffee and cake! – and have a chat about what changes you’d like to see happen. It gives us chance to find out more about each other and natter about how we can help. Throughout your whole experience, we’ll approach your organisation as an equal partner – having honest conversations about what’s going on and how we can help.

A bespoke project design

Once we understand more about what you’re looking to achieve, we’ll pull out our trusty post-its and design your project. No two groups of people are the same, and every one of our projects is custom-designed to make sure we can deliver the best possible results.


We firmly believe that creating positive change is only successful when the people affected are fully involved in the process. Our process of improvement and implementing change is an inclusive, supportive one where everyone feels able to take part.

Bathroom Tiles
Heading: getting all our ducks in a row
Darren stood in front of a group of people facilitating a workshop

Engaging workshops

We’re facilitators, not trainers – so rather than ‘death by PowerPoint’, expect accessible but challenging questioning and exciting experiences designed to be enjoyable, inspiring and effective. We aim to spark new ideas and empower people to participate in conversations they may otherwise find difficult.

Appropriate challenges

Our typical workshop session focuses on two to three learning objectives, and cycles through each of these two to three times – diving a little deeper each time.


We’ll start with light, playful activities to break the ice and build trust, then gradually build participants’ confidence to challenge themselves a little more during each cycle.

Divers Training in Pool
Heading: the deep dive
Some people carrying a sofa up some stairs
Heading: let's pivot that

Meeting your needs

We’ll never reach the end of a project without questioning its impact along the way. Part of our project design includes setting checkpoints along the way, so that we can make sure the project is moving in the right direction and delivering what you need. If it’s not? Then we’ll tweak it to ensure you’re getting what you need.


Many organisations approach us with an idea of what’s not working as well as it should. Sometimes during a project, we find that wasn’t the root of the issue after all. When this happens, we’re not afraid to have an honest conversation and change direction to deliver the impact you need.

Long term impact

At People Powered Change, our intention is to leave every situation better than we found it. We care about making sure every client receives the outcome that they’re looking for – and we stick around to ensure that happens. Whether our project is a one-off or a longer-term involvement, we aim to spark meaningful conversations, empower people to get involved and create real, lasting change.

A group of friends eating pizza
Heading: key takeaways
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